ADC's, or After Death Communications, are a lot more commonplace than most people think. In fact, if someone you love has left this life, I can almost guarantee that they have sent you messages in one form or another. If you are shaking your head "NO", then I invite you to read on, hopefully with an open mind, before forming your final opinion on this. But before I get to the guts of it, let me ask you a question or two...
IF someone you love is no longer here with us, and IF that someone actually had an eternal soul that continues to exist 'someplace', and IF that existing soul had the ability to reach out from beyond the grave and communicate with you, then WHY would you want to close yourself off to that experience?
"No one wants to be the laughing stock of town, let alone be persecuted for their 'unusual' views."
Release the Fear
I think that most people who are not already embracing this concept are shying away from it for various fear-based reasons. Our society today passes judgement on just about everything you can imagine and belief systems that challenge old, deeply ingrained conditioning make most people uncomfortable at best. No one wants to be the laughing stock of town, let alone be persecuted for their 'unusual' views.
We don't want to be on the receiving end of more of those "You poor dear" looks. As if we are just being humored because we are hurting, but that we are not to be taken seriously when we try to tell someone our deceased mother sends us the scent of roses, her favorite flower, at the strangest of times and in the strangest of places.
Often times religious teachers will warn us of dire circumstances should we engage in contacting the afterlife. I ask you to use your own discernment on this one. It is my opinion that this type of religious guidance is not healthy for your spirit or soul evolution. I feel that seeking contact from your husband who left this world in order to feel his love once again should be embraced and used to help us in our own healing, not shunned and scorned, leaving us feeling like we must hide this practice away in a dark closet someplace. Let me be clear in that I do not object to religion....I feel that religious practices have very important roles in many people's lives. I see people uplifted and supported by their church communities all the time. I am speaking of any religious group that is using FEAR as a means of CONTROL. There are still many that are steeped in a fear based doctrine that I don't feel serves it's people very well in this, more enlightened era we find ourselves in.
Another source of fear surrounding the spirit world comes from stories, myths and of course Hollywood movies. Acknowledging that your deceased wife may have somehow orchestrated your wedding song to play on the radio, just as you were lighting a candle in her honor to mark your anniversary, does not mean you are somehow going to become possessed with some kind of dark entity! I have met hundreds of folks over the years who have learned to interact with their loved ones after their death, and none of them have experienced anything but loving energy that proves to be quite healing for them while they grieve.
Another source of fear surrounding the spirit world comes from stories, myths and of course Hollywood movies. Acknowledging that your deceased wife may have somehow orchestrated your wedding song to play on the radio, just as you were lighting a candle in her honor to mark your anniversary, does not mean you are somehow going to become possessed with some kind of dark entity! I have met hundreds of folks over the years who have learned to interact with their loved ones after their death, and none of them have experienced anything but loving energy that proves to be quite healing for them while they grieve.
You also may hear people warning you (or whispering to those close to you), that our behavior of seeking to contact our child, who died so young, could be damaging us psychologically because we are not accepting the finality of the death that has occurred. I would have to say that their concerns do warrant some consideration. I absolutely stand behind a HEALTHY practice of interacting with the afterlife as a means to actually help you in processing your grief. Besides using this as a tool for my own grief journey, I have also witnessed countless others find healing from the very people that they have lost....from beyond the grave. By showing us that death is not to be feared and that they are 'ok' on the other side, most of us are actually able to come to terms with the loss and begin to let them go much sooner than those who do not experience this while grieving.
But care must be taken not to become obsessed with this practice to the point that we are not FACING our loss and processing our grief. We mustn't become so immersed in our interactions with the Spirit realm that we neglect our lives and loved ones here in the physical. If used with care, we can learn a great deal about the nature of the soul and even our own purpose for being here by studying and conversing with the afterlife, which always leads to a richer, more engaging life for us. But where does one begin?
Just Follow the Signs!
I've read countless books, listened to dozens of lectures, sat with many psychic mediums, several of whom are nationally well known, and traveled with The Original Afterlife Conference for the past few years where I have met and interacted with literally hundreds of grievers who all will say the same thing.....the 'signs' are all around us....all we have to do is pay attention!
If I could recommend one book that you might start with, it would have to be Hello From Heaven! by Bill & Judy Guggenheim. This is a wonderful compilation of interviews with people who believe they have received messages from their departed loved ones. The book gives us example after example of the types of 'signs' they leave for us, and is written in a way that anyone can understand and relate to.
I'll treat you to a story about one particular day that stands out in my memory as I write this blog post. It was my first year attending The Original Afterlife Conference, which was being held in Portland, Oregon. (Please check out their website. This is a nationally known organization that brings scientists, hospice workers, doctors, religious clergy, Shamans and New Age seekers together for an educational experience second to none!) I had just arrived at the airport and as I climbed into the shuttle van that was to take me to the hotel, I found a shiny new penny on the floor in front of my seat. I picked it up and said out loud, "Must be a penny from heaven". Followed by 'I wonder which one of you sent it?' , (which I kept to myself). To my delight, the woman I had just seated myself next too smiled at me and said, "Oh, you must be going to the Afterlife Conference"......and so began our conversation where I learned that she too had recently lost a husband, prompting me to think of my own husband who had passed not quite a year before. Sometimes a penny is just a penny after all....but sometimes they are 'pennies from heaven'.
Upon arriving at the hotel, I was greeted by a lobby full of star-gazer lily deceased daughter's favorite flower. If I wanted to explain away the random shiny penny next to the 'other widow' in the van, then so be it....but this...well, this I felt was my daughter welcoming me to the conference.
And if that weren't enough confirmation for me that my afterlife 'team' was cheering me on, the sign you see in the above photo was what I saw when the glass elevator came to a stop on the floor where my room was located....Mount Adams Wing of the son's name was Adam. Sometimes they literally give you a SIGN!
I was so tickled by the exchange but even more than that, I was encouraged and empowered by these messages. You see, not only was this my first year attending this popular conference, but I had actually been invited to speak during one of the presentations. I would sit on a discussion board with four others and talk openly to a room full of people about my losses and how I have used afterlife communication to facilitate my own healing and propel me forward on a powerful journey of self-discovery. My kids and my late husband were showing their support from the other side!
Not All Psychics Are Created Equal
But before you go running off to the first psychic medium that shows up in your google search, please do yourself, (and your pocket book!) a a little homework and get some recommendations from others who have gone before you. (I touch on this in a previous blog post.....part of a series I write on Grief. You can read about it HERE)
I found some information with candid insights about visiting a medium HERE that you might also find helpful. I will also pass this little resource along. It's Bob Olson's web page. He's done tons of research in the field and posts lists of legitimate mediums on his web page HERE. It's not always easy to find a good medium in your area but they do have a 'funny way' of just showing up when you need them.
Communicating with my family in the afterlife is my favorite "Elephant in the Room" to talk about. I especially enjoy watching another's face light up once they realize that no, they aren't going crazy and yes, many of us are getting the same signs from our own loved ones in spirit as they are. And the excitement that ensues once the discussion is brought into the the light is something I cherish every time I witness it.
Even after hearing these things from me I would not expect anyone to just take this on as truth. As is true with anything I teach, I will ask you to be discerning. Practice tuning into your own inner more answers if you need them and they will show up when you are ready to receive them. An open mind does not happen all at once. It must be stretched slowly in order to avoid short circuiting! So even if you are not at a place right now where you are ready to accept this practice, I would ask you to please find compassion for those around you who do. Because for them, healing is taking place every time they encounter their lost ones.
***Many of you were drawn to this post because you have, indeed, received messages from your loved ones in the afterlife. I invite you to post your favorite stories in the comment section below. Let's start talking about the elephant in the room!
But care must be taken not to become obsessed with this practice to the point that we are not FACING our loss and processing our grief. We mustn't become so immersed in our interactions with the Spirit realm that we neglect our lives and loved ones here in the physical. If used with care, we can learn a great deal about the nature of the soul and even our own purpose for being here by studying and conversing with the afterlife, which always leads to a richer, more engaging life for us. But where does one begin?
Just Follow the Signs!
I've read countless books, listened to dozens of lectures, sat with many psychic mediums, several of whom are nationally well known, and traveled with The Original Afterlife Conference for the past few years where I have met and interacted with literally hundreds of grievers who all will say the same thing.....the 'signs' are all around us....all we have to do is pay attention!
If I could recommend one book that you might start with, it would have to be Hello From Heaven! by Bill & Judy Guggenheim. This is a wonderful compilation of interviews with people who believe they have received messages from their departed loved ones. The book gives us example after example of the types of 'signs' they leave for us, and is written in a way that anyone can understand and relate to.
I'll treat you to a story about one particular day that stands out in my memory as I write this blog post. It was my first year attending The Original Afterlife Conference, which was being held in Portland, Oregon. (Please check out their website. This is a nationally known organization that brings scientists, hospice workers, doctors, religious clergy, Shamans and New Age seekers together for an educational experience second to none!) I had just arrived at the airport and as I climbed into the shuttle van that was to take me to the hotel, I found a shiny new penny on the floor in front of my seat. I picked it up and said out loud, "Must be a penny from heaven". Followed by 'I wonder which one of you sent it?' , (which I kept to myself). To my delight, the woman I had just seated myself next too smiled at me and said, "Oh, you must be going to the Afterlife Conference"......and so began our conversation where I learned that she too had recently lost a husband, prompting me to think of my own husband who had passed not quite a year before. Sometimes a penny is just a penny after all....but sometimes they are 'pennies from heaven'.
Upon arriving at the hotel, I was greeted by a lobby full of star-gazer lily deceased daughter's favorite flower. If I wanted to explain away the random shiny penny next to the 'other widow' in the van, then so be it....but this...well, this I felt was my daughter welcoming me to the conference.
And if that weren't enough confirmation for me that my afterlife 'team' was cheering me on, the sign you see in the above photo was what I saw when the glass elevator came to a stop on the floor where my room was located....Mount Adams Wing of the son's name was Adam. Sometimes they literally give you a SIGN!
I was so tickled by the exchange but even more than that, I was encouraged and empowered by these messages. You see, not only was this my first year attending this popular conference, but I had actually been invited to speak during one of the presentations. I would sit on a discussion board with four others and talk openly to a room full of people about my losses and how I have used afterlife communication to facilitate my own healing and propel me forward on a powerful journey of self-discovery. My kids and my late husband were showing their support from the other side!
Not All Psychics Are Created Equal
But before you go running off to the first psychic medium that shows up in your google search, please do yourself, (and your pocket book!) a a little homework and get some recommendations from others who have gone before you. (I touch on this in a previous blog post.....part of a series I write on Grief. You can read about it HERE)
I found some information with candid insights about visiting a medium HERE that you might also find helpful. I will also pass this little resource along. It's Bob Olson's web page. He's done tons of research in the field and posts lists of legitimate mediums on his web page HERE. It's not always easy to find a good medium in your area but they do have a 'funny way' of just showing up when you need them.
Communicating with my family in the afterlife is my favorite "Elephant in the Room" to talk about. I especially enjoy watching another's face light up once they realize that no, they aren't going crazy and yes, many of us are getting the same signs from our own loved ones in spirit as they are. And the excitement that ensues once the discussion is brought into the the light is something I cherish every time I witness it.
Even after hearing these things from me I would not expect anyone to just take this on as truth. As is true with anything I teach, I will ask you to be discerning. Practice tuning into your own inner more answers if you need them and they will show up when you are ready to receive them. An open mind does not happen all at once. It must be stretched slowly in order to avoid short circuiting! So even if you are not at a place right now where you are ready to accept this practice, I would ask you to please find compassion for those around you who do. Because for them, healing is taking place every time they encounter their lost ones.
***Many of you were drawn to this post because you have, indeed, received messages from your loved ones in the afterlife. I invite you to post your favorite stories in the comment section below. Let's start talking about the elephant in the room!
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Other Posts by White Elephant Wisdom LLC
Victim or Survivor...your choice?
October-A Time for Quiet Reflection
New Age Practices-Useful or Useless?
Grieving Part 1...The Early Days
Grieving Part 2...When the Party's Over
Grieving Part 3...Facing the Holidays
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