Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Can We Really Manifest Our Hearts Desire?

  Is it Magic?

     What's all this I keep hearing about 'Manifesting' what you want in your life into realty?  Is it some sort of hocus pocus magic?  A pipe dream? Just a waste of my time?  Or is there some validity to it?

     I actually have learned that yes, indeed it's a real thing!  People, and by people I mean ALL people do actually have the ability to manifest things into their existence.   I am typically a skeptic by nature (well, at least my HUMAN self is a skeptic by 'nature' , my SOUL actually knows how to trust these things!)  who needs to see, touch and/or feel something before accepting it as truth, so I have acquired my beliefs through my own personal experiences.  I have seen, heard and felt some pretty amazing and often times, bizarre things over my lifetime for sure, but manifesting?  Really?

The Law of Attraction  VS  Goal Setting with Action
     There are all sorts of articles, books, and videos available to you on the Web where you can learn about different views on 'The Power of Manifestation Through the Law of Attraction' (Like attracts like)  OR  'Goal Setting with Specific Action Steps' (plan it then work hard to get it).  I will take this moment to invite you to do a little research on your own about this controversial subject.  As with anything I take on as a belief system, I like to thoroughly explore each concept first.  My motto here is EDUCATE  ENLIGHTEN   EMPOWER and I hold myself to this process too!   

     First, I educate myself and I do that by reading and/or listening to different sides of any issue.  I also like to have personal experience so I will try things out myself when ever possible.  I then pay attention to how I FEEL about what I am learning (I like to say, "Take what resonates with you and leave the rest at the door")  If something feels good and right to me, I take it on as a new belief.  If it feels 'off' or makes me uncomfortable somehow, I leave it at the door.  (I will say here also, that even when I leave something at the door, it does not necessarily mean that it it not a truth. Often times that same concept will come into my awareness at a future date and I discover that I simply was not ready to embrace it or fully understand it yet. Life is very fluid and we are in a constant state of change and creation and so are our belief systems...or they should be if we want to keep our minds open!) 

     Let's simplify it for the sake of this short article:  The Law of Attraction basically states that what ever you BELIEVE will happen will!  In other words, think positively all the time and only positive things will happen to you.  The folks who take this stance as complete and true will go on to tell you that no actions are necessary to reach your goals or manifest your dreams, that you simply have to live in a state of BELIEVING it has already come true. The debunkers will point out several issues with this theory but the one that sticks with me the most is that by doing so you are not actually living in the present moment...or the NOW as we like to say, which is the very heart of the concept of practicing 'mindfulness'.  I, like those who speak out against LOA also believe that this version of things can lead folks to devastating disappointments which can send a lot of folks into the pit of despair when their wishes don't come true.

     On the flip side, those who feel that LOA is simply wishful thinking will tell you that the only way to get what you want out of life is to make a plan with step by step goals and timelines of how to achieve the end result then stick to it day in and day out until you reach the finish line. The basic attitude is that you wont get results without specific action and they are right....to a degree.  What I find disturbing about this 'all or nothing' viewpoint is just that...it's all or nothing.  I always have an immediate reaction to any theory that claims their way is the ONLY way to go about doing things. This always throws up a red flag for me.  People are diverse.  No two of us are the same in how we react and respond and PERCEIVE the world around us so we will never all be able to succeed at everything we do using one, cookie-cutter approach. 

Are We in this Alone?
 I have taken on a belief around manifestation that sort of borrows from both of these extremes. Since I believe that we are all part of a Higher Power, or a Spiritual Source (who some call God), then I feel that I am able to solicit help from this Source in my daily life.  If this help is available to me then why wouldn't I seek it out when it comes to creating what I want in my life?  Why would I just rely on myself, my lists and my action steps to get the job done?  But like any good parent will do, I feel that Source will not just 'grant wishes' like a genie either!  Like any mentor, they would be more apt to offer guidance and support while teaching us that WE have what we need within ourselves to be, have and do anything we desire!

     That's why I borrow from both sides of the coin here when I want to 'manifest' something into my reality.  I DO create lists of a sort...I call this process 'setting intentions'.  I DO make a plan....by actually writing down my specific goal and journaling about it.  I DO take action steps...like meditating on it, daydreaming about it and 'listening' to my inner voice to get inspiration and direction on how to bring my creation to me.  I DO use the power of the mind and positive thinking by BELIEVING I will achieve my goal.  And when prompted by that little voice within (which often times shows up in the form of synchronistic events and/or coincidences) I ACT!  I don't think...I don't plan any further, I just act on my gut instinct. 

Be Careful What You Wish For!

     I'm sure you've heard the phrase 'Be careful what you wish for...because it might just come true!' before.  Well this certainly applies to intentional manifestation too. We need to be specific about what we are trying to draw to us.  The Universe doesn't decipher what we meant to ask for...it only responds to what we actually place our focus on. I have found that this whole process can be extremely fun and downright silly at times and this always brings joy to my life.  As opposed to strict goal setting and daily tasks and schedules which make me feel overwhelmed and stressed out.  I want to share a personal story with you to illustrate how this works for me before I go.  I hope you find it as amusing as I did!
     Yesterday, I manifested 'A Man'.  Yep....I did!  I have been widowed now for 6 years and after taking the time I needed for grieving and growing and exploring who I was to be as a woman of 'my age' now that I no longer hold the titles of Mother, Wife and Employee, I decided I was ready to welcome a new romance into my life.  So I have started by setting my intentions.  I've been pretty clear about what this man would be like as in, what types of personality traits, strengths and spiritual beliefs he would have.

     Last week, after my Monday morning chiropractic appointment, I left my car at the Dr's office and took myself for a walk into town with my camera on that beautiful, New England summer day. On my way back to my car I passed by a building that seemed to be a home for elderly folks as I saw several sitting on benches outside and there was a lovely older gentleman perched upon his walker seat right at the edge of the sidewalk while he enjoyed a cigarette.  I nodded and smiled, as did he.   Within a dozen steps I came face to face with a tall handsome man more of my age whom I found to be quite attractive.  Again, a smile and a brief 'hello' was shared as we passed by each other.  When I reached my car I had problems getting out of the parking lot since someone had blocked me in with their car and I was delayed in leaving while I sorted the problem out.  About ten minutes had passed when I was finally pulling out of the lot I saw the same attractive man that had caught my attention on the sidewalk walk by heading back in the direction from which he came.  Hmmm....my 'instincts' kicked in and I began to wonder...

     This week when Monday dawned I remembered the whole scene again (from start to finish) and so this was my 'clue' from the Universe to take an action step.  My first step was to decide to take the same walk after my chiropractic appointment.  I took further steps by writing the following in my morning journal pages:
"Wouldn't it be grand if 'THAT MAN' crossed my path again?  And wouldn't it be grandER if we both recognized each other from the week before?  And wouldn't it be grander STILL if we lingered to exchange words?  Wouldn't it?"

     So off I went with my camera into town after my appointment.  I released any desire to over-think or control any particular timing and just trusted my Source to put me where I was supposed to be at the right time.  On my way back to my car, as I approached the home for the elderly, which is just a few yards from my Dr's office, I started to laugh because there was the same older gent, just now positioning his seated walker at the edge of the sidewalk so he could enjoy his smoke!  He looked at me with recognition and I stopped to linger over a bit of a longer greeting to comment on the beautiful weather and wish each other a glorious day.  HA!  I DID manifest 'that man'....I just neglected to tell the UNIVERSE which man!

     Moral of the story?  HAVE FUN with everything you do in life.  Do not hold yourself to rigid rules about exactly how, when and why things should be done.  RELAX your own expectations about how your life should unfold.  Dare to dream your dreams and yes, DO take steps to bring them into reality but always remain open to how they take shape as what we THINK we are attracting may look quite different than what we expected once it actually shows up.  And when that happens, EMBRACE it as the beautiful thing that it is!


Contact Info:

Vicky Edgerly
White Elephant Wisdom LLC

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